
uhhh it's ya boi.

Professional cat herder and product designer with a vendetta against mediocre design.

Ya boi, sam dayoub climbing a big ass rock

Originally from El Paso Texas, I worked in marketing after college and that was as fun as you'd think it is. Now I'm working in a field I didn't even know existed 5 years ago.

I currently work at Not Dev, where I earned my wings and we ship products like a freighter.

In my free time I rock climb, mountain bike, and am a proud plant papa to 80+ plants. Sometimes when I'm feeling spicy I'll break out my samplers and make beats.


UX Design
UI Design
Quisque velit
Vestibulum ac diam


Nulla porttitor
Donec velit
Porta dapibus


Does it really matter? (no)
BA from UNT in Media Arts
Cert from SMU for UX Design

interested in working with me? you'll have to go through not dev.